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Our Site Designed To Give Information KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey

Our Site Designed To Give Information KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey Specification & Features Product Name: KidKraft Austin Toy Box, ...

KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey

Our Site Designed To Give Information KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey

Specification & Features

  • Product Name: KidKraft Austin Toy Box, Grey Fog
  • Brand: KidKraft
  • Color: Grey Fog
  • Model: 14968

  • Safety hinge on lid protects young fingers from getting pinched
  • Doubles as a bench for additional seating
  • Helps keep bedrooms tidy and organized

Our Austin Toy Box lets kids keep all of their favorite toys in one convenient place. This sturdy toy box was built to last and would fit right in with any room setting.

Comments List

  • KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey Reviews:

    ... BUT after a second use, a weld, a fold has not held (I am only 75kgs) The repair kit is no use because it is in the pseudo-velvet (which does not hang so not) Very convenient and very comfortable, ideal pr do the sunbathing, and easy to store. In tt case I recommendS is a hole after 3 days my daughter weighs 40 kilosTrès very disappointed and impossible to repair in spite of the kitMy daughter is delighted with his gift! She quietly sipping your bib the morning... she love it... dehoussable and easy maintenance... may be better than a chair... I recommendConsistent with the expectation, it may lack a bit of grip to hang the carpet in the office, especially as it is very light. I had bought the small libraries kidkraft wooden "natural". No smell of paint. It was very good. Unfortunately, this is not the case for this beautiful bench trunk that has the solid look. So big downside : it smells too much paint. Wait at least 6 months before using it, the time that the VOP are lost. This makes 3 months that it is in the cellar to be "dry". Good rotation, I've not yet taken the time to resolve. I recommend is product to the passionate cube! Too good piece of furniture. Unfortunately, very little do not trust the photo is very deceptive, ideal for baby �. Very well, delivered quickly and in tbe but a flat packaging would have been more practical than a large cardboard cube-padded, otherwise ras.
  • Cheap KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey:

    The gift recipient delighted! Overall very nice and comfortable. But be careful if it is for a booster seat inside it should still have the place.. Hello jecris this comment to tell you jai commander 2 pouf as a rose and the rose and niquel him I lai received affeser flattened I think its remetrai but not the folder and overwrite and not qun bit what is it? Not very expensive to have a piggy bank original. Like many people who come to visit me, and often they ask me where I bought it. I am very satisfied with this purchase. This chest is solid, spacious and well secured to not fall on the hands... Perfect! My son was a joy to have the alarm clock projector time Dark wador... small problem the time is only displayed if you pressed the button! what is the interest! it is on a bunk bed, and it may not stand up to support... such a shame! My son got it for christmas it had 2ans1/2, 1 year later, the bench remains the same, it is easy to maintain, ideal for two children. I recommend this product. Nice cushion, the fabric is soft, it has not moved after the first wash, perfect to bring along to the nap of the schoolIt is really super!! I wished that my son is in it own room :) with all that he had in that 3 months for the moment, but when it will be bigger I'm sure he would love to be in it :) The delivery was relatively fast. If I just have to make a small criticism (Shame it is not déoussable) Otherwise it is really of the quality & it is really in harmony with the rest of that room.
  • Cheap KidKraft Austin Toy:

    I recommend it to all those where those who want a room Winnie The pooh :). really very pretty, my granddaughter will love I would recomend this purchase for little fans of minnie. the shipment is fast and caring. Storage impeccable for young children. However, I ordered 2 and in a I miss the bottom of the petty cash gray.... See its resistance in time... But for now I am satisfied with my purchase. Excellent ottoman design and comfortable. Perfect as an occasional chair, it is quickly inflatable, if you have the pump that goes with it. What a dream to be able to eat the eggs the rooster in the cultisme R2D2! Beautiful finish but very fragile so be careful. I recommend. Practice does not take place in the car and my daughter of 26 months loves to sleep in after 3 nights the mattress was like the first day for the inflationVery convenient to the edges!!! my child slide systematically from his inflatable mattress, the blow with this one more this concern. In addition it is very comfortable, it takes a little space but it's still correct. The inflation-deflation is not very fast but considering the quality of the product for us it is a detail.
  • Best Buy KidKraft Austin Toy:

    I recommendIt is open, to stretch, but it is not too comfortable to sit but it makes good service even when one has room of course. I sent this beautiful little tent mode "gift" for the birthday of a little girl. It has had its effect, and arrived quickly, but without the little word that was to be joined. All of this has caused much unnecessary tension in a situation already complicated. A shame, really! I would order more from this dealer who obviously doesn't keep its commitments! Super packaging, decoration strong, brilliant. String to tie the suspensions included, reusable, because of quality. I highly recommend!!! I love the chandelier! A lovely box lookée playmobil that fits nicely in a child's bedroom. Playground chteau ideal for the knights of the brand without the problems of place. Easy to open and close for children. Mold very well. It seems a little deep but this is only an illusion of optics. The cakes very well. The grounds are very well visible once unmolded, and the mold release is very easyPerfect well pack and protect. the delivery time was respected, my baby love all these small storage bin c is well suited for small. very satisfied with this furniture winnie. Back here also. Frankly, given the comments, I was expecting better.
  • On Sale KidKraft Austin Toy:

    Yes, the set is nice but in my package, the table was a little wobbly, impossible to screw completely the chairs so the folders were moving and a chair was totally wobbly. Thank you but refund pronto! My 2 year old son is thrilled to be sitting as a grand on this chair, the right foundation and fabric of good quality that one can spend in the shower to wash it... the colors are very beautiful and of course CARS to success!!! folding wheelchair that is easily transportable if need. Great little sofa I buy them for my son, I made a little reading corner in her roomproduct that looks and feels exactly like the photo and the description. Attention when plan several washings and let it air out outside for several days before wearing because the smell of plastic once inside is very strongNot yet déhousséBien stable my son of 9mois sways back and the folder is impeccable I l uses ouvertSe soiled quickly, material that picks up the dustMattress large size (my 7-year old daughter has slept without problems). Top with its edges to a small one.
  • KidKraft Austin Toy Reviews:

    In two parts : the mattress and the contourAcheter an electric pump if not too long! carpets of good quality and received in good condition in a very good packaging. Bought for super parties of the Tarot, please do not hesitate.. Very disappointed after a week of the task brown appear? surely the sun! Therefore not designed for outdoor use. Very nice tent, quick and easy to mount. Thick fabric of very good quality. I am very satisfied with my purchase. Super box and bigger than I thought, beautiful tea games but, above all, which allows me to store in addition to all the playmogreat, perfect. incredible comfort and good view of the back. swell not too much as said in the manual, that's the secret. doesn't require tire repair systematicThis high chair for infants is pretty, the only small problem is that small infants (30 cm) slides under the shelf of the chair. Nothing to complain for babies from 36 cm. C"is our second shelf of the same type after the order for our son there 3 years in the other color. The pastel colors are soft and pleasant. Easy assembly. Easy storage for children and trays are of good size. The large trays are of a size ideal for two dolls 30cm see 36cm with their accessories, bottles, potty for the girls and tractor, trailer+car+figures+animals+fork-shovel farm lego duplo for boys. My little girl loves it and superb quality and very beautiful effect in his room, I would recommend, shipment very fast. Perfect! Identical to the description of the product! For a birthday, and frankly not at all disappointed. Ideal for fans of the saga.



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Toy Chests: Our Site Designed To Give Information KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey
Our Site Designed To Give Information KidKraft Austin Toy Box Grey
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